Hi Friends,in this post i would like to explain difference between Varchar & NVarchar in SQL Server.
* The data type Varchar and NVarchar are the sql server data types, both will used to store the string values.
Differences :
1 Character Data Type
Varchar - Non-Unicode Data
NVarchar - Unicode Data
2 Character Size
Varchar - 1 byte
NVarchar - 2 bytes
3 Maximum Length
Varchar - 8,000 bytes
NVarchar - 4,000 bytes
4 Storage Size
Varchar - Actual Length (in bytes)
NVarchar - 2 times Actual Length (in bytes)
* The abbreviation for Varchar is Variable Length character String.
* The abbreviation of NVarchar is uNicode Variable Length character String.
Thank You...
your Explanation was so helpful..
good one, simple and straight to the point